70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India

Year 2022: 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of
the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India

~ Building a future for our Centenary ~





The year 2022 marks the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India. To celebrate this important year, "The Steering Committee of 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Japan-India Diplomatic Relations" chaired by the Ambassador of Japan, which consists of the Embassy of Japan, Japan Association Delhi, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India, Japan Foundation New Delhi, JETRO New Delhi Office, JICA India Office and JNTO Delhi Office, will give a lot of wonderful and memorable opportunities in 2022.

The Steering Committee has also decided the theme of the year 2022 as "Building a future for our Centenary," hoping that the dreams and hopes of both Japanese and Indian friends across generations shall continue to develop together towards the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and India and beyond.

Though various events to commemorate the year 2022, we sincerely hope you will share with Indian friends a memorable and special time and feel strong ties between Japan and India, and we wish to share memorable occasions with you.


Ambassador's Message for the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India

Events Endorsement Guidelines

The Embassy of Japan encourages proposals for a wide range of events celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India. Organizers of events endorsed by the Embassy of Japan will be entitled to use the official name "70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India" and the logo in all publicity materials including posters, pamphlets, websites, signboards, and banners. The details are as follows.

Endorsement Guidelines for Commemorative Events

Please check the following guidelines carefully.
Guidelines (English)
Guidelines (Japanese)

Forms for Submission

*This is the same contents in the above guideline, but slightly modified for India, so please use this one.
*The following documents should be submitted by mail or e-mail to the Embassy of Japan in India (70th.anniv@nd.mofa.go.jp) at least three weeks prior to the date of the event, in principle.
(a) Application Form (Attachment 1) (Word)
(b) Budget Form (Attachment 2) (Excel)
   [NOTE] Only if there is income/expenditure for the event.
(c) Pledge Form (Attachment 3) (Word)
(d) Documents outlining the event (ex. written proposal, list of exhibits (for exhibitions, etc.), plot summary (for movies, plays, etc.), program, application guidelines (for open exhibitions, competitions, etc.))
(e) Documents outlining its organizations
     i. List of board members
     ii. Articles of incorporation or the equivalent (terms, regulations, donations, etc.)
     iii. History, business performance, and activities of the organization
     iv. If the organizer and applicant differ, documents that indicate the relation between the two (contracts, etc.)
     [NOTE] Government offices, diplomatic delegations, consular organizations, international organizations, local public entities, and independent administrative agencies within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan are exempt from submitting (e) i.-iii.

Report on the completion of the Event

After completion of the event, a Summary Report (Attachment 4) (Word) using the following form on the results of the event should be submitted to the Embassy. The content of the summary report may be used in the Embassy’s PR media.

Address for Submission

Please check carefully as submission and contact information differs depending on the location of the event.

●For events to be held in India

 Embassy of Japan in India
(Address)50-G, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India
(Tel) +91-11-4610-4610
(Email) 70th.anniv@nd.mofa.go.jp

●For events to be held in Japan

 Southwest Asia Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
 (Address) 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8919, Japan
 (Tel) +81-(0)3-3580-3311
 (Email) southwestasia-2022@mofa.go.jp

[Note] For online events, please contact the Embassy and Consulates that the organizer is based in, or the Southwest Asia Division of MOFA Japan for organizers based in Japan.


Japan India 70th The Steering Committee of 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Japan-India Diplomatic Relations, Embassy of Japan