Application Process for 2025 JET PROGRAMME Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) - NOW OPEN!!


About the JET Programme

The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is an opportunity for young college graduates to assist with international exchange and foreign language education throughout Japan as either Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) or Coordinators for International Relations (CIRs).
Founded by the Japanese government in 1987 to help promote internationalization in  Japan, JET started with less than 100 participants but has grown to become one of the largest cultural exchange programs in the world, currently having over 79,000 alumni from all over the world. The program aims to play an integral role in promoting internationalization and understanding at the grassroot level.

Coordinator for International Relations (CIR)


This time, the Government of Japan is recruiting 1 (ONE) JET participant as a CIR from Bhutan. Please see below for further information. To apply, download the application documents.

Join the JET Programme and Discover Japan!

1.Coordinator for International Relations (CIR): 1 (ONE)

A CIR is appointed in international exchange departments or bureaus of Contracting Organizations and engages in internationalization activities.

Applicants with a functional command of the Japanese language can apply for CIRs, assisting local government offices in international exchange activities at the local level. Just under 10% of JET participants are CIRs and major duties often include translation/interpretation for government officials, teaching community or school English classes, and international exchange event planning and implementation.

Duties for a CIR may include:

  • Receiving guests from abroad
  • Editing and producing pamphlets in English or Japanese
  • Advising and planning international exchange programmes
  • Teaching English (or other languages) to government employees and local residents
The CIR selected from Bhutan this time will be posted in Ama Town, Shimane Prefecture of Japan and will be engaged in translation/ interpretation for government officials, teaching English to community or in school, and international exchange event planning and providing daily life support and interpretation for the foreigners living in the town, planning and executing international exchange projects, conducting Japanese and English language classes for foreigners, and working on projects to attract foreign visitors to Japan.



2.General Conditions

(1) Remuneration
– Participants receive a remuneration of approximately 4.02 million yen (approx. Nu2.24 million) for their first year of appointment. Remuneration increases with subsequent appointments.
(2)Period of Participation
– In principle, participation is for a one-year period starting from the day after arrival in Japan and may extend up to 3 years or in exceptional cases to a total of 5 years.
(3) Work Hours
– 35 hours per week, standard (Monday to Friday)
(4) Holidays
– Saturday, Sunday, Japanese national holidays, paid leave (at least 10 days)*
* Due to work circumstances, participants may be asked to work during weekends and national holidays.

3.General Eligibility

Applicants must:
・Hold a Bhutan passport.
・Hold a Bachelor’s degree in any subject by July 2025.
・Have a functional command of English, Japanese (Japanese Language Proficiency Test “N3” is a must).
・Be both mentally and physically healthy.
・Have a keen interest in Japan and be willing to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of Japan after arrival.
・Can adapt to living and working conditions that could be significantly different from those previously experienced by the applicant.
・Not have lived in Japan for six or more years in total since 2015.
・Obey all Japanese laws.

4.Recruitment Timeline

February - March Application window open
28 March Application deadline
The end of March First stage of screening process (written applications)
The beginning of April Second stage of screening process (interviews, which will be online)
May Notification of selection and assignment of Contracting Organisation
June Pre-Departure Orientation, preparation, etc
The beginning of August Arrival in Japan and start of term of appointment

5.Submission Instructions

STEP 1: Read the Application Guidelines
STEP 2: Download and print out the Application Form and fill it out in neat handwriting (please use block letters) or fill the form digitally (referring to the Chart Sheet codes).
STEP 3: Prepare all other necessary documentation (see Application Checklist below for further explanation)
Applications will be accepted from TODAY to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 28 March, 2025. Please follow the instructions given below for the applications.

Application Checklist

(1) Application Form referring to the Chart Sheet codes
(2) JET Programme Applicant Self-Report of Medical Conditions
(3) Letters of Reference from two referees in Japanese or English.
    (If you have not graduated yet, one of the referees must be someone related to your university and must contain a reference to your expected date of graduation.)
・Graduates/working professionals can ask their educational institution or employer to become their referees.
(4) Certified Record/Transcript of all college/university courses
 ・Inclusive of all college/university courses
 ・Please note, transcripts/marksheets must be original documents or certified versions (each page signed and stamped by the university).
 ・These can be obtained from the Registrar's Office of your college/university
  Must include orignal marksheets/certified transcripts from any separate college/univeristy attended (as part of Study Abroad/placement). These  marksheets/transcripts should be issued by the separate college/university.
(5) Essay (Statement of Purpose)
 Typed, single-sided, double-spaced essay on an A4 paper (210mm x 297mm), not exceeding two pages. This page limit must be strictly observed.
(6) Proof of Degree          
  a) For those who will graduate by July 2025:Certificate of expected date of graduation.
  b) For those who have already graduated:A scanned copy of orignal/provisional Graduation Certificate or Degree. Please restrict these copies to A4 size wherever possible. Include all the degrees earned in higher education (i.e. BA and MA, or BSc and MSc, etc.)
(7) Document which shows your nationality
Please include a copy of your passport. (Licence ID etc.)
(8) Teaching or language proficiency qualifications (TEFL/TESL/JLPT) (*Only for applicants who already have these types of certifications)
(9) If you answered “Yes” to either questions 1, 2a, 2b or 3 on the Self-Report of Medical Conditions, please also include a completed Statement of Physician Form.

(10) Criminal Record/Police Certificate (*Only for applicants with a criminal record who answered “Yes” to the question 9 in the application form)
In the case the applicant is unable to obtain his/her criminal record by the time of application, a document proving that you have applied for the certificate will be accepted. In this instance, the criminal record itself must then be submitted by Friday, 30 May 2025.

Please see Guidline 6.(1) in regards to obtaining a criminal record.

STEP 4: Submit all documents to the JET Desk by email no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 28 March, 2025. You must combine all necessary documents in one PDF file in the numerical order(1-10) as mentioned above in the Application Checklist. Please note that the Embassy email server cannot receive e-mail larger than 10 Mb . Only if your attachment exceeds 10 Mb, submit a compressed or zipped PDF file.


Preparing an application for the JET Programme can take longer than expected, so applicants are strongly advised to start preparations well in advance of the deadline.

Enquiries to

JET Desk, Information and Culture Section, Embassy of Japan in India