Presentation of Origami works to the Royal Bhutanese Embassy by Origami Oritai


On June 17, 2016, Ambassador and Mrs. Kenji Hiramatsu attended the Presentation Ceremony of Origami works by Origami Oritai, an Origami club in India, which took place at the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in New Delhi. Two origami works, depicting the motif of Dragon, the national symbol of Bhutan, were presented to the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in New Delhi, to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and the Kingdom of Bhutan. Ambassador and Mrs. Namgyel, Bhutanese Ambassador to Japan, received the works from Origami Oritai.

Attendance of Ambassador and Mrs. Kenji Hiramatsu (Centre) at the presentation ceremony

Presentation of Origami Works
(Left: Members of Origami Oritai, Right: Ambassador and Mrs. Namgyel)

Presentation of Origami Works with the motif of Dragon