Grant Assistance for a Grass-Roots Human Security Project signed for 5 million yen

    The Grant Contract (G/C) for Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP) was signed between H.E. Mr. SUZUKI Hiroshi, Ambassador of Japan to Bhutan, and H.E. Mr. Vetsop Namgyel, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bhutan, on behalf of their respective governments on March 13, 2024.

    The Government of Japan offers a financial assistance scheme called “Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP)” for development projects designed to meet the diverse, basic human needs of people in developing countries. Since 1989, the scheme has been supporting relatively small-scale projects implemented by non-profit organizations, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and educational and medical institutions through Japanese diplomatic missions in those countries.

  The details of this project are as follows:
  Grant Name: Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP)
  Project Name: “The Project for the Transportation Facilitation for Eliminating Violence against Children in   Remote Areas in Bhutan”
  Recipient Organization: Nazhoen Lamtoen
  Total amount of the grant: Approximately 5 million yen
    In Bhutan, the increase in unemployment rates has led to a rise in poverty and deterioration of security. As a result, incidents of domestic violence against women and children have increased and become a significant concern.
    The recipient organization focuses on child protection and conducts outreach activities in seven prefectures, including five prefectures in remote areas with high poverty rates. They target approximately 290 children from 70 low-income households. Their activities include providing livelihood support (such as distributing food and essential items) and preventing child abuse through counseling and protective measures. They also conduct awareness activities at a children's home in Thimphu Prefecture for the purpose of rehabilitating minor offenders.
    However, since their transportation is limited to one vehicle owned by the children’s home and they need to rent another vehicle at a high cost when conducting outreach activities, it is not possible for them to visit all the target households. Addressing this issue by acquiring an extra vehicle has become an urgent priority.
    This project will enable the recipient organization to visit 70 low-income households in the seven target prefectures every quarter in a reliable and flexible manner, distribute food and essential items that meet their needs, and provide protection and counselling to children who have been subjected to child abuse.
    The Government of Japan hopes that this new grant project under the GGP scheme will help in the enhancement of the quality of life and human security of the people of Bhutan and further foster friendship and cooperation between Japan and Bhutan.