Meeting between Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio and Princess Sonam Dechan Wangchuck of Bhutan (September 28, 2022)
Meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and King Wangchuck of Bhutan (October 22, 2019)
The Prime Minister of Bhutan to Visit Japan (April 6, 2018)
“The Visit of HIH Princess Mako to Bhutan” (May 9, 2017)
Visit to Japan of H.E. Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan
»Japan-Bhutan Summit Meeting
»Meeting between Mrs. Akie Abe and Mrs. Tashi Doma, spouse of the Prime Minister of Bhutan (Jun 30, 2014)
»Japan-Bhutan Summit Meeting
»Meeting between Mrs. Akie Abe and Mrs. Tashi Doma, spouse of the Prime Minister of Bhutan (Jun 30, 2014)
State Visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Bhutan to Japan
»Courtesy Call by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Mrs. Noda to Their Majesties the King and Queen of Bhutan (Summary) (Nov, 2011)
»Courtesy Call by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Mrs. Noda to Their Majesties the King and Queen of Bhutan (Summary) (Nov, 2011)
Visit to Japan of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, King of Bhutan, and Her Majesty the Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck (Oct 18, 2011)
Japan-Bhutan Summit Meeting (Overview) (Sep 26, 2011)